Mode Choc fête son 40e anniversaire! 🎉
2023 marque l’arrivée d’un grand évènement pour nous chez Mode Choc. Eh oui, c’est cette année que Mode Choc fête ses 40 ans!
At Mode Choc, we care about the environment and know how important it is to protect and nurture our beautiful planet 365 days a year. We believe that small everyday gestures make a difference, and we’re constantly working to find new ways to reduce the company’s carbon emissions.
One of these gestures includes our four-year partnership with Carbone Boréal, a greenhouse gas offset program that plants trees and has its own on-site research facility at UQAC. The program is committed to offsetting greenhouse gas emissions through tree planting. How amazing is that?
Eco-friendly collection for the whole family
Every year, for the past 4 years, with the purchase of a t-shirt from the eco-friendly collection, Mode Choc has committed to donate $1 to Carbone boréal for the planting of trees. A total of $40 000 was donated to Carbone boréal to finance the planting of 10 000 trees and remove 1 428.57 tons of CO2 from the atmosphere! Facts that are so important to us who know how every little gesture and decision has a big impact.
Last March, we also launched our « Here, I bring my bag » campaign to reduce the distribution of plastic bags in our stores. In order to sell off our inventory of bags, we are selling our latest plastic bags for $0.20. The profits from the sale of these bags are all donated to Carbone boréal and have enabled us to donate $31 763 to date.
$71 763 in 4 years!
It is a grand total of $71,763 that we have donated to Carbone boréal over the past 4 years, or the equivalence of approximately 2 563 tons of CO2 removed from the atmosphere. This also represents 281 trips around the world in a small SUV, the carbon footprint of more than 500,000 cotton t-shirts or making 171 Quebecers carbon neutral. Impressive, no?
We are very proud to have been able to offset some of the greenhouse gases made by our activities!
Here are a few photos from our most recent eco-friendly collection in collaboration with Carbon Boréal.
Some of the items from the eco-friendly collection available for kids. Discover the collection online and in stores
Some of the items from the eco-friendly collection available for babies and toddlers. Discover the entire collection online and in stores
Some of the items from the eco-friendly collection available for women. Discover the entire collection online and in stores
Some of the items from the eco-friendly collection available for men. Discover the entire collection online and in stores
What about you? Have you calculated your own ecological footprint?
When fashion and environmental commitment join forces
Our team of fashion designers visit fabric markets every year to select the textiles for some of our collections. One of their specific tasks is to choose from among surplus fabrics. By doing this, we taper the need to manufacture new textiles and give the fabric a second chance at becoming a wearable garment.
We’re also mindful about the clothing labels we put on our house brands. The labels on our organic cotton line are printed in biodegradable ink on a thinner, non-laminated recyclable cardboard. Also, rather than use plastic ties to attach the labels onto the garment, we use a natural, twine-like cord. Along the same green line, we limit unnecessary labelling and make every effort to minimize packaging.
We’ve also improved the design of our new shipping bags for the online shop, and we couldn’t be happier. These bags were specially designed with plastic made from recycled material. Not only are they made from recyclable plastic but can also be reused.
E-commerce bag. Mode Choc creation
Stepping stones to conscious consumption
As we seek to evolve in ethical fashion, more and more of our exclusive clothing line created by the Mode Choc Design Team is manufactured under Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS), the leading organic textile standard. In 2021, 12% of the total production of clothing created by Mode Choc has been organic. Be it our ABY, VAMOS, ZC, or DEUX PETITS CANARDS brands, many of the cotton fabrics we’ve used have been organic.
Organic label placed on products made from organic cotton. Example for the brand Deux Petits Canards. Exclusive design by Mode Choc.
Our green committee
We’ve built a team that’s responsible for brainstorming new ways to reduce our ecological footprint and keep the momentum going!
We’re proud to have committed, passionate environmental advocates who research, craft, and come up with new strategies to help us minimize our ecological footprint! In all our stores, offices and at the management level, we have people specifically assigned to promoting the 4Rs (reduce, reuse, recycle, and recover textile waste) and to improving our operational practices.
This committee is crucial to the company and gets bigger and bigger every year!
2023 marque l’arrivée d’un grand évènement pour nous chez Mode Choc. Eh oui, c’est cette année que Mode Choc fête ses 40 ans!
2023 marks a great milestone for us at Mode Choc! As some of you may know already, we’re celebrating our 40th anniversary! Forty years
Après quelques années sans pouvoir célébrer, on est bien content de trouver familles et amis lors de soirées spéciales du temps des Fêtes. Vous